"Unlike anything else out there. Nouns push against verbs in ways we've never seen."
~ Mike Resnick, five-time Hugo Award-winning author of Kirinyaga and Santiago
"A creatively layered work where words are used in ways they probably weren’t designed for."
~Darcy Tamayose, Award-winning author of Odori and Ezra's Ghosts
"If Arctic Smoke were a movie, only David Lynch could direct it."
~Philip Elliot, Arthur Ellis Award-winning author of Nobody Move and Porno Valley
"A wintry and psychedelic elegy to that special Albertan brand of despair. An absurdist punk-rock adventure through counter-counterculture’s most otherworldly spaces. Schroeder writes with urgency and grace, vividly describing a wasteland where the strange becomes familiar and the familiar strange. Read this book."
~ Mike Thorn, author of Darkest Hours
Arctic Smoke is a punk rock fever dream. Like Bruce McDonald channelling Anna Kavan, Schroeder’s prose hotwires your brain and takes you on a surreal joyride through arcane Canadiana.
~ Greg Rhyno, author of To Me You Seem Giant

"Readers who tackle Crooked Timber will not be in any danger of confusing these stories with anything else they've read lately. Many will be left scratching their heads. And a few will feel as if they've discovered the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow (guarded by a Slavic leprechaun with braces)."
~ SF Site Reviews
Selected fiction as A.M. Arruin
“Seven Bent Directions.” Twilight Times, October 2015.
“The Black Man.” Casserole Diplomacy and Other Stories. Tyche Books. Diane Walton, Ed. 2014.
“Pip’s Agenda.” The Moustache Factor: Surrealist, New Weird, Absurdist. October 2013.
“Trespass.” Liquid Imagination. Volume 11. November 2011.
“Burned Honey.” The Dream People: a Journal of Irreal Texts. Volume 35. May 2011.
“Three Hundred Jackals on Fire.” Fusion Fragment. Volume 16. 23 May 2011.
“The Reluctant Doomi.” Beyond Centauri. Volume 10, #2. October 2009.
“Only the Dead Flower.” On Spec. Volume 18, #1. Spring 2006. (Won honourable mention in The Year’s Best Science Fiction 2007, ed. Gardner Dozois)
“The Raptures of Ravivaloo.” Descant 122. Fall 2003.
“The Black Man.” On Spec. Volume 5, #4. Winter 2003.
“Grains of Water, Beads of Dust.” Land/Space: an Anthology of Prairie Speculative Fiction. Ed. Candas Jane Dorsey and Judy McCrosky. Tesseract Books, 2003.
“Angel Rat.” Descant 118. Fall 2002.
“The Goblin Pornographers.” Talebones #24. Spring 2002.
Selected Fiction as Randy Schroeder
"The Glass Mandolin." Pulp Kings 5. 2020.
"The House of Jade." Pulp Kings 4. 2019.
"Only the Dead Flower Blooms." Pulp Kings 2. 2018.
"Seven Bent Directions." Pulp Kings 1. 2018.
“Migration Patterns.” The Café Irreal. Volume 57. February 2016.
“Movements.” The Café Irreal. Volume 42. May 2012.
“Mart of Darkness.” The Café Irreal. Volume 36. November 2011.
“Cracking Wish.” Indigenous Fiction: Wonderfully Weird and Offbeat #5. June 2000.
“Hotel Hobbies.” Pottersfield Portfolio. Volume 20, #2. Spring 2000.
“Baby Bakes Valhalla.” The Café Irreal. Volume 3. February 2000.
“Incubusted.” Eros Magazine. February 2000.
“The Skeleton Crows.” On Spec. Volume 11, #4. Winter 1999.
“Unzippings.” Backwater Review. Fall/Winter 1999.
“Schnarp's Poems.” Vox. May 1994.
Selected Creative Nonfiction
“The Life and Death of Twelve-year Old Boys." Montreal Review. Summer 2022.
“Dangle Your Modifiers.” Writing Better Fiction: Craft Tips From Some of Canada’s Best Writers and Editors. Ed. Brent Nichols. Calgary: In Places Between Press. 2019.
“Tall Orders.” Centennial 2. 2011.
“Eating the Glass Cake: Tall Poppies, Broken Bottles, Bleeding Gums.” Centennial 1. 2011.
“A Generation of Ghosts.” Direction 31.1. 2002.
“Love the Body, Hate the Words.” Globe and Mail, 5 May 2000. A16.
“Where the Mall is All.” Globe and Mail, 27 October 1993. A30.
Selected Poetry
“The Other Rooftops.” Abyss and Apex. #28. 4th Quarter 2008.
“The Lullaby Stream.” On Spec. Volume 19, #3. Fall 2007. (Won Honorable Mention in The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2008, ed. Ellen Datlow)
“Radiance,” “Magpie Logic,” “Today and Yesterday,” “Prayer for the Thaw.” Solicited for dANDelion. Volume 32, #1. Spring 2006. 114-117.
“Rabbit’s Benediction. Rhubarb 12. Spring 2006. 43.
“Nothing and Its Starboard Healings.” On Spec. Volume 18, #1. Spring 2006.
“The Republic of Mud,” “The Cathedral of In-Between,” “All Things Rattle,” “The Unchant,” “Signals,” “Sunset,” “Thief,” “Offerings,” “Come Home to Roost,” “Nirvana,” “Blue Time.” M.A.G. Fall/Winter 2003/04.
“Today and Yesterday.” Sidereality 2.1. January 2003.
Selected Academic
The Influence of Imagination: Essays on Science Fiction and Fantasy as Agents of Social Change. Ed. with Lee Easton. North Carolina: McFarland and Company, 2008.
“Getting Into Accidents: Stoekl, Virilio, Postsustainability.” Petrocultures: Oil, Energy, Culture. Ed. Wilson, Carlson and Szeman. Montreal, London and Chicago: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 2017. 355-376.
“Declarations of Interdependence: Unexpected Human-Animal Conflict and Bhutanese Non-linear Policy.” (with Kent Schroeder). On Active Grounds: Agency and Time in the Environmental Humanities. Ed. Boschman and Trono. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier University Press. 287-304
“Reason and Reenchantment: the Philosophical, Religious and Political Thought of David Ray Griffin.” Review-Article. Chiasma 3: Ends of Philosophy (2016). 117-129.
“Happy Environments: Bhutan, Interdependence and the West.” (with Kent Schroeder). Sustainability 6:6 (2014). 3521-3533.
“Wasting and Recovering Time: The Golf Course as Shangri-La.” International Journal of Waste Resources 4:3 (2014). http://dx.doi.org/10.4172?2252-5211.1000154.
“Shangri-La Democracy: Accessorizing the Neoliberal Subject.” International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 1:20 (2012): 272-281.
“Polarities at the Singularity.” in The Influence of Imagination. 5-26.
“Inheriting Chaos: Burroughs, Pynchon, Rucker, Sterling.” Extrapolation 43.1 (2002): 89-97.
“Playspace Invaders: Huizinga, Baudrillard, and Video Game Violence.” Journal of Popular Culture 30.3 (1996): 143-153.
Above solicited by and reprinted in Criminal Justice Abstracts.
“Determinacy, Indeterminacy and the Romantic in William Gibson.” Science Fiction Studies 21 (1994): 155- 163.
Above solicited by and reprinted in Gale’s Contemporary Literary Criticism.
Above used in the curriculum for the University of Toronto's Science Fiction and
Fantasy Course (English 237 F) and for Engl 491 at Athabasca University.
“Neu-Criticizing William Gibson.” Extrapolation 35.4 (1994): 330-341.
“The Uses of Jargon in Discourse.” Critical Mass 2 (1992): 4 – 10.